Environmental Policy
To proceed with the environmental measures on a voluntary basis, Hinomaru Transport Service Co., Ltd planned as follows
- Environmental Philosophy
- Hinomaru transportation Co., Ltd aims passenger transportation industry through the (taxi), and work on environmental conservation activities, due to the safe operation and provide higher service quality, and contribute to local, aims to harmony of the natural environment and corporate activities as public transport I will fulfill its social responsibilities.
- Environmental Practice Policy
1.We try for an offer of comfortable movement environment by appropriate vehicle maintenance and in-house education.
2.Aiming at environmental load reduction, we reduce resources and reuse of the energy and effective utilization, effluent gas, the industrial waste and act for the prevention of the pollution.
3.Set a purpose, an aim along an environmental policy and perform a review, continuous improvement as needed.
4.We will observe the requirements of the company and other environment-related laws and regulations agree.
5.We publicize the environmental philosophy policy to all employees, and to recognize the significance and importance of environmental protection.
- Maintenance of structure,
the system for environmental conservation - We devise an environmental policy and establish an environmental conservation manager and the promotion system and convey the contents of environmental laws and regulations concerned for an employee. It determines an active action about the environmental conservation and plans the roles such as management representatives and clarification of the responsibility authority, and an action to convey general information about thorough and the environment of the environment policy for an employee regularly, and to plan improvement of the environmental conservation consciousness, and to achieve numerical target will be necessary in future.
- Enforcement Of The Ecodrive
- The setting of a quantitative aim about the mileage keeps on a year, and it is possible for all car accomplishment as LPG car 5.7 kilos/liter, HV car16 kilometer / liter. I make a result of the mileage that I added up every month in the inside of car card size about the action to chief enforcement and environmental conservation of the idling stop and post it on the driver's seat circumference, but instruction for the mileage improvement is insufficient based on mileage management according to a crew or a group.
- Introduction of the low-emissions vehicle
- All the vehicles of the substitute plan of 2009 introduce HV car (high Bullitt) which is a low-emissions vehicle. The future substitute plans the introduction mainly on the low-emissions vehicle, too.
- Inspection and maintenance of motor vehicle
- We have been conducted with each item generally.
- Promotion recycling and proper disposal of waste
- It is carried out properly waste disposal. We have also conducted training on waste to employees
- Promotion of efficient driving and reducing empty mileage
- GPS - AVM system has been introduced. Information grasp about the customer concentration, the correspondence reach, but there is not analysis, joint ownership of the information that the driver has.
- Promotion of environmental conservation in the management sector (office)
- Conducted with field employee environmental education with the management department employee, purchase items of Eco Mark products, thorough.sorting of waste, such as in turning off unnecessary lights. 4R which grasped of the quantity of outbreak of use energy and the waste cannot be thorough
- Goal
- Thorough environmental education
Mileage improvement: I assume mileage target LPG car 5.7 kilos/liter, HV car 16 kilometer / liter.
The introduction of the low-emissions vehicle: The substitute vehicle continues the introduction of the low-emissions vehicle sequentially.
Promotion of the environmental conservation in the office: Thorough “4R” that set numerical target.
- Concrete action content for the aim
1.Concrete action for 'the promotion of the environmental education'
Performing the reporting about the general information (the world present conditions of the environmental problem) or mileage results about the environment at an early shift meeting held in an office continuously and, about the mileage results, educate you based on aim numerical value.
2.Concrete action for 'the mileage improvement mileage accomplishment'
・Commends the superior driver and group of the mileage
・4 month total and evaluates synthesis of CS, security, the mileage and commends it according to group distinction and an office.
・Announce the monthly results and am carried out the individual guidance
・Implement instruction in individual guidance and the group work of the driver who did not achieve an aim.
・Thorough idling stop
・A maintenance manager, a service manager play a key role and teach instructions about the idling stop to the outgoing vehicle..
・Will be handed a flyer to promote eco-driving to the outgoing vehicle.
・A maintenance manager, a service manager play a key role and teach instructions about the idling stop to the outgoing vehicle..
・Will be handed a flyer to promote eco-driving to the vehicle before the arriving.
3.Concrete action for 'the introduction of the low-emissions vehicle'
In 2010, there is not a substitute plan, but the future substitute policy assumes it the plan mainly on the low-emissions vehicle in the same way.
4.Concrete action for 'the promotion of the environmental conservation' in the office.
To make quantity of the garbage and concrete aim use numerical value of the electric fee for use “4R” and I announce consumption of the monthly and compare it with aim use numerical value based on the results and aim at the reduction and wrestle.